I have a LilyGo TTGO board and am trying to use it with OMG. I can get it to work using the pre-defined environments which utilise RTL_433, but I want to use the RC_SWITCH library for my project (already proven on a stock ESP32 with a CC1101 radio). According to what I’ve read so far, this should be possible by doing a custom build by downloading the code and editing the relevant environments.ini entry in platform.io. I did this by adding the rc-switch library to a copy of the env:lilygo-rtl_433 entry, along with a relevant -DGateway… entry (see below), but the code fails to compile with assorted errors in modules such as ZcommonRF.ino. I’m a noob to all of this and probably am in way over my head (I’m no coder!), but has anyone got the RC_SWITCH libraries running on a LilyGo TTGO (SX127x radio)?

platform = ${com.esp32_platform}
board = ttgo-lora32-v21
; ~/.platformio/packages/framework-arduinoespressif32/variants/…/pins_arduino.h
board_build.partitions = min_spiffs.csv
lib_deps =
; ${libraries.rtl_433_ESP}
build_flags =
; *** OpenMQTTGateway Config ***
;‘-UZmqttDiscovery’ ; disables MQTT Discovery
‘-DvalueAsATopic=true’ ; MQTT topic includes model and device
; *** OpenMQTTGateway Modules ***
; ‘-DZgatewayRTL_433=“rtl_433”’
; *** ssd1306 Display Options ***
; ‘-DLOG_TO_OLED=true’ ; Enable log to OLED
; ‘-DJSON_TO_OLED=true’
custom_description = For ESP32, Gateway using RTL_433_ESP and RF
custom_hardware = ESP32 LILYGO LoRa32 V2.1

I have a rough version working, by connecting the rtl_433 receiving process with the RC_SWITCH decoder logic. As the SX127X is a ‘smart’ receiver, the radiolib code of rlt_433_esp is used, after a signal is received I call the RC_SWITCH decode via OMG…
But had to patch all libraries …

I tried to run your code. but for some reason I got an error

“Compilation error: declaration of template parameter ‘T’ shadows template parameter”

At what point in the code?
Line numbers or more part of error message?

on this line 326 : “void Config_update(JsonObject& data, const char* key, T& var);”

I received a response from the author of the original version. it has the same error

“Good afternoon,
Arduino IDE will not be supported in the next release, as announced on v1.7.0
I would suggest to use platformIO instead.”

Yes it references pio and I used that to compile…