Request Ambient Weather WS-2902 support

I have a Ambient Weather WS-2902 weather station.
Has anything got this up and going.

BTW this does say it is 433Mhz

I did some digging into this device, and it appears to use FSK modulation which is not supported. Also found this very long post about this sensor device

Thanks for that.
I do have mine going using weewx and being saved to a database which I then send as a json mqtt packet.
just hoped I could grab the packets directly from the station.
Will keep on playing…

Just wondering if FSK modulation has been added as yet?

FSK is available with custom builds

Now comes an old fart question.
Have you info on how to create custom builds.

For beginners custom build are a bit complex, as you need to setup visual studio code, platformio, then download the source for openmqttgateway and go from there. If you google their should be guides to get you that far.

Thanks for that.
Will have a look. I have played with Arduino a bit but not visual studio.
Delphi is my main language along with Basic for Java (B4J).
Have you any ideas when this will be available as a finished build?

I’m currently taking the summer off from coding, but the plan is to add the ability to select FSK or OOK modulation and frequency from the WebUI. I would expect something in the fall.

Thanks for that. Mid winter here.

I have visual studio code up and going and did get it to compile without errors.
Could you give me a hint on how to select FSK within the code?

Hi @Tom_Duncan

Add the build_flag


to the environment you are compiling to use FSK.

Here is an example of a working FSK configuration also: