RF 303Mhz Support

Hi Florian

I have a number of devices that communicate on 303Mhz RF (e.g. garage door & air conditioner), have you got any plans to incorprorate 303Mhz into the RF receiver / transmitter? I’m on the hunt for a solution to integrate 303Mhz controls into home assistant

Great work with the project too :slight_smile :slight_smile:



Do you have some receiver or emitters modules acting on this frequency that we can add to an arduino or esp?

Hi Florian

I have a garage door remote and an air conditioner remote transmitting on 303 MHz

This is the garage door remote:


Did you find a receiver module that can be connected to an arduino or esp?

Hi Florian

A receiver unit is what I’m struggling to find, I’ve read that sdr units can be used?



sdr cannot be used with OMG unfortunately


Just touching base to see if anyone else has been interested in rf 303, or to see if you’ve expanded the rf offering in omg to include rf303?



Not yet, 303mhz doesn’t seems to interest a lot people…

I’m interested in 303 MHz support! I have two old Hampton Bay/Craftmade ceiling fans that operate at 303.875MHz.
I have a couple of spare controls (transmitters): Craftmade Fans TCS-WALL TCS Wall Control B002SRN384.
Text on the back of the controller: Model UC7077T, FCC ID CHQ 7077T

If I make progress with a Raspberry PI + Arduino solution, I’ll report back.
I have more links, but “New users can only put two links in a post.”