Rf gateway esp32-32 wiring no pin 27 for RF receiver

hi i try to set up my first rf gtw and im not sure how to connect it
i try output D from receiver connect to UOR but i can’t see any transmission :confused: somene can help me ? when i connect rf receiver to rpi i see rf codes. on schema i can’t find 27/26 pins on my esp32-cam module.
im newbe so forgive me :wink: pin 27 is gpio 17 if i see god but on ess32-cam i dont have such pin

so can i connect rf receiver to a different pin or i should do it to main procesor etc ?

I’m newbe also but I try to give you a suggestion.
In the main/config_RF.h at the PIN DEFINITION section
you can define the PIN that you want to use in this code:

elif ESP32

define RF_RECEIVER_GPIO 27 // D27 on DOIT ESP32

For example you can put your receiver data PIN on GPIO12 and set:

define RF_RECEIVER_GPIO 12 // D27 on DOIT ESP32

Just try:-)

thx now i “just” have to check how to do it :smiley: working with hardware is ok for me but wiht software is something new.
done thanks :smiley: i think because gateway boots :wink: just i dont have nothing on mqtt.fx :frowning: receiver connected to rpi show some codes to esp nothing on mqtt

EDIT: works on GPIO 2

can i uncomment BT gateway on the same device ?
and one more is for pilight gpio set in config_RF.h i cand find filr for pilight?

You have to install a MQTT broker (a server that play with all messages)
and then you must set the ip,user and password in the User_config.h file:

#ifndef MQTT_USER

define MQTT_USER “edit_this”

#ifndef MQTT_PASS

define MQTT_PASS “edit_this”


define MQTT_SERVER “192.168.x.xxx”



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done that :smiley: on gpio12 nothing on gpio2 i received codes at mqtt but i was too quick i have digoo weather station and i see i need pilight not rf gatewat :frowning: just i cant find file to set it to gpio2. connection to mqtt works i see online and wersion and with rf i can read my door bell button :smiley: now i have to chanfe it to pilight gateway with gpio2

It’s always RF thinks… so it’s always the main/config_RF.h file that you must change.
You will see there a record like this:


change it like this:


Then rebuild and write it :slight_smile:

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(I’m pretty spoiled by the Tasmota project) For OMG, do I really have to rebuild every time to configure the GPIOs?

I work with a Mac for work (unfortunately) and therefore don’t see the easy way to compile an MC project for the ESP32 or OMG. It would have been nice if this function were possible at runtime, at least for the basic configuration.

I will give a try with Clion + PlatformIO-Plugin…

It’s dead easy with Visual Studio Code and the PlatformIO extension for VSC …

Clion + PlatformIO-Plugin works perfekt! (like to use known IDE with Plugins :wink: