RF Signal received but no mqtt messages sent

Hi folks,

I set up my second OMG with a CC1101 and OMG 1.7.0. I can send messages to its command topic and switch the sockets and the command is repeated as MQTT message. But when I use the remote control no MQTT message is send to /433toMQTT. In the serial monitor I can see the received RF Signal. But it just says [MQTT->OMG] : {<<the messages here>>} and I would expect something link Send on /433toMQTT msg {<<the messages here>>}. (I see messages in this form for the BME280 in both MQTT and serial monitor)
My first OMG with a CC1101 publishes the value when it receives a RF signal but I can not find the diff between the setups. Version of the first one is 0.9.16.
Any Ideas what I am doing wrong?


  • esp8266 nodemcuv2
  • cc1101 433MHz with receiver Pin on GPIO16 instead of GPIO0
  • BME280
  • used custom _env.ini file

I am not a hundred percent sure by now but I guess I found it.
OMG recognizes that the payload already has been submitted on +/433toMQTT and therefore is not repeating it.
So works as intended.