RF433 PIR integration in Home Assistant


I have built an RF433 OMG based on ESP8266 & SRX882 / STX882
I used the web flash tool (target = nodemcuv2-rf), I did not build it myself.
So far so good, the gateway is all setup and visible in Home Assistant.

Now I would like to start integrate some of the few old RF433 sensors I own.

I am starting with an old PIR sensor

It looks like this:

Using MQTTExplorer when I trigger it I get something like:


“value” is always the same when triggered.

So it is well seen and triggered in Mosquitto but now I don’t have a clue how to make it work as a regular PIR sensor in Home Assistant.

Thanks for your help!

“value” is really the only part of the JSON which you need to manually create an MQTT sensor in Home Assistant - unless there is a very unlikely situation that you have another RF device which sends exactly the same value, but for a different protocol :wink:

While this should be easy to do, I do not know HA well enough for any guidance here, and you might be more lucky with posting this to the HA forum, or search for “MQTT sensor” for already similar discussions/implementations, e. g.

Thank you very much for your answer.
I understand a bit better now how it works.
My device is showing up as ‘Sensor’ within my gateway ‘Device’.
I don’t even need to tweak the configuration.yaml as I can create an automation using this sensor and trigger an action when it is changing from ‘any’ value to ‘any’ value. That would mean detection has been triggered.
I will now check the HA documentation about MQTT sensor integration as I guess I can further tweak it so that it is nicely recognized by HA as a motion / PIR sensor.

Thanks again for your help!