Whats going on here?
I flashed my sonoff rf bridge r2 v1 with rfbridge-firmware.bin OMG 0.9.3, using flashESP8266.
Sonoff frbridge earlier flash with Tasmota 8.2 worked ok, but after seeing DrZze video I wanted to give a try OMG.
I nearly gave when OMG didn’t want to connect to my router. At last I got connected. To my big surprise I could see OMG integrated with HA.
Why I cannot see any messages in mqttlens ?
Rfbridge reacts with red blinking when I press for ex. Sonoff’s remote.
What do might be a cause, please help.
Did you changed the switch position after flashing?
Thank you.
Yes, I think I did. I’m checking it and now I can see that in switch position Off OpenMQTTGateway cannot connect to my router. I’ve switched it back to ON and I got connection visible also on HAssistant front panel. Unfortunately, still no response on MTTLens
I’m going reprogram my rfbridg and this time first erasing the flash memory. I will report how it worked.
Something new happens. In Home Assisstant:
Nothing in MqTTlens.
How to use data showed at 1:35 and received after I pressed on key on the remote?
Is this enough information to use in my automatisation?
May be I don’t need MqTTlens?
from 0.109: New integrations page and weather card, frontend lost weight. - Home Assistant
" There is now MQTT debug information on the device page of an MQTT device, awesome work @emontnemery!"
If you see values appearing in home assistant it should be enough for triggering your automations.
An MQTT client like MQTT Lens or MQTT explorer is mainly used for debugging.
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