I have been once again trying to get my ESP32 Dev Kit board and E-Byte C1101 Module (E07-M1101) to do some decoding using the RTL_433 modules. I am suffering with very reduced range and also very sporadic decoding of my FSK sensor when compared with a raspberry pi running RTL_433. I was expecting a reduce range but the module only seems to pick up perhaps 20% of the transmissions from the sensors.
I have my module wired as per the set up guide. RF gateway (433mhz/315mhz) | OpenMQTTGateway v1.7.0. I have also placed a 0.1uf ceramic cap between VCC and GND just before the E07-M1101 module. I also have a Tantalum 10uf cap between VCC and GND on my ESP32 DevKit board.
My sensors of interest are FSK but as part of my testing I have been playing with different modes. I am unable to find the thread at present but I came across a thread where someone had noticed that their C1101 module was emitting RFI or transmitting at around 433.9200mhz when the RTL_433_ESP library was enabled.
I am sad to report that I appear to be experiencing this as well with all three of my E07-M1101 modules! When I bring the module close to my sdr reciever I can see RFI from 433.9Mhz to 434Mhz.
This stops if I enable another protocol such as RF or RF2 or disable RF. I am curious to see if other people have experienced this issue or if they can also investigate if they suffer the same problem. Perhaps this is why the range is so poor if it is generating internal RFI at the required frequency?