Thanks for the help, now I am getting some additional parameters:
This is my miflora sensor. But I have been using this for probably 2-3 years and the firmware has not been updated. Is it possible that it is running a very old firmware?
{"id":"C4:7C:8D:60:9E:08","mac_type":0,"adv_type":0,"name":"Flower care","rssi":-67,"servicedata":"3102980079089e608d7cc40d","servicedatauuid":"0xfe95"}
This is a temperature sensor, probably some less known product. I don’t expect this to be supported:
Some unknown sensor:
Yet another unknown sensor:
I seem to have two of these:
I ordered a few bluetooth temperature sensors from Ali, which has not arrived yet. I would be interested if those are supported. Not Xiaomi models, but some more generic ones.
I will test again once those arrive.