Send value without JSON: -DsimpleReceiving in platformio.ini does not work?

I compiled OMG for my ESP 32 with platformio for esp32dev-ble

I update platformio.ini with this:

lib_deps =
build_flags =
upload_port = COM[4]
upload_speed = 512000 

It compiles properly and runs well on my ESP32.
But it keeps sending JSON value to MQTT instead of old fashion per value system I need here, despite the two flags


I also tried to change User_config.h:

#define jsonPublishing true //comment if you don’t want to use Json publishing (one topic for all the parameters)
#define jsonReceiving true //comment if you don’t want to use Json reception analysis
//#define simplePublishing true //comment if you don’t want to use simple publishing (one topic for one parameter)
//#define simpleReceiving true //comment if you don’t want to use old way reception analysis


//#define jsonPublishing true //comment if you don’t want to use Json publishing (one topic for all the parameters)
//#define jsonReceiving true //comment if you don’t want to use Json reception analysis
#define simplePublishing true //comment if you don’t want to use simple publishing (one topic for one parameter)
#define simpleReceiving true //comment if you don’t want to use old way reception analysis

No effect neither.

What can I do ?