Shock sensor MD-2018R ASK modulation question

Hi all,

I have a couple of these MD-2018R shock sensors:

Currently I have an RF (ESP8266 / SRX882 / STX882) OMG gateway
Those MD-2018R are not detected. Opening one of them I noticed it is written ASK-433.
I don’t know much about ASK modulation and I was wondering whether regular RF with SRX/STX882 would definitely not work.
Would I get more chance building an rtl433 OMG ?

Thanks a lot for your answers.

Well I just built an RTL433 gateway but this device is still not detected.
Should I consider ASK modulation is not supported ?

Do you detect other RF devices with your setups?

Yes I’ve been using the RF gateway for quite a while and it has successfully detected my PIR sensor and a remote RF plug

As per the rtl433, I’ve just installed it, it has also detected my PIR sensor but strangely as a smoke sensor. Otherwise I do not have other devices at reach using rtl433.
I guess the gateway is properly working but there’s something with the MD-2018R

I wanted to change the gateway firmware to the experimental fsk. However, since the sensor is advertised as ask I guess it would probably not make much sense trying to use fsk ?

Maybe it is just not compatible with RTL_433

You could just check the list of compatible RTL_433 sensors and see if your sensor or a variant is listed. This may help pointing to the good direction.

Yes I guess it is not compatible with both RTL_433 and RF433 as both gateways do not detect it.

My knowledge about ASK modulation is too poor to understand which gateway it should work with so I guess I’ll give up with this one.

Thanks anyway for your support!