(Solved) Esp32doitv1-aithinker-r01-sx1278 and FSK

I’m a newbie to omg, but have tinkered with platformio before. Wish to get Oil Watchman working with rtl433 (have it working on linux with SDR dongle), with a esp32doitv1 and ra-02. With the default (1.7) version I picked up nothing so thought would try and build myself from dev with


Compiles and uploads fine but when I check status I get

N: Enable RTL_433 Receiver: 433.92Mhz

E: [ WebUI ] rtl_433 not displaying RTL_433toMQTT
N: [ OMG->MQTT ] topic: home/OMG_rtl_433_ESP/RTL_433toMQTT/status msg: {"model":"status","protocol":"rtl_433_ESP status message","modulation":"OOK","RTLRssi":-105,"RTLAVGRssi":-106,"RTLRssiThresh":-97,"signalRssi":-94,"RTLOOKThresh":15,"train":1,"RTLCnt":11,"totalSignals":18,"signalRatio":0,"ignoredSignals":18,"unparsedSignals":0,"StackHWM":924,"RTL_HWM":724,"DCD_HWM":3872,"freeMem":113604,"_enabledReceiver":1,"receiveMode":0} 
N: [ OMG->MQTT ] topic: home/OMG_rtl_433_ESP/RFtoMQTT msg: {"active":3,"frequency":433.92,"rssithreshold":-97,"rssi":-97,"avgrssi":-106,"count":11,"rtl433_stack":3872,"ookthreshold":15} 

The bit that worries me is “modulation”:“OOK” and still not picking anything up - does that mean the flag has not been recognised?

My config:

platform = ${com.esp32_platform}
board = esp32doit-devkit-v1
board_build.partitions = min_spiffs.csv
lib_deps =
build_flags =
; *** OpenMQTTGateway Config ***
  ;'-UZmqttDiscovery'          ; disables MQTT Discovery
  '-DvalueAsATopic=true'       ; MQTT topic includes model and device
; *** OpenMQTTGateway Modules ***
; *** rtl_433_ESP Options ***
  '-DRTL_DEBUG=4'           ; rtl_433 verbose mode
;  '-DRTL_VERBOSE=58'          ; LaCrosse TX141-Bv2, TX141TH-Bv2, TX141-Bv3, TX141W, TX145wsdth sensor
;  '-DRAW_SIGNAL_DEBUG=true'   ; display raw received messages
;  '-DMEMORY_DEBUG=true'   ; display memory usage information
  '-DDEMOD_DEBUG=true'  ; display signal debug info
	 '-DMY_DEVICES=true'		; subset of devices
;  '-DPUBLISH_UNPARSED=true'   ; publish unparsed signal details
  '-DRSSI_THRESHOLD=12'         ; Apply a delta of 12 (default 9)
;  '-DOOK_FIXED_THRESHOLD=0x50'  ; Inital OOK Threhold - Only for SX127X (default 5A)
;  '-DAVERAGE_RSSI=5000'     ; Display RSSI floor ( Average of 5000 samples )
;  '-DSIGNAL_RSSI=true'             ; Display during signal receive
; *** RF Module Options ***
  '-DRF_SX1278="SX1278"'   ;
  '-DRF_MODULE_DIO0=15'    ; SX1278 pin DIO0
  '-DRF_MODULE_DIO1=4'     ; SX1278 pin DIO1
  '-DRF_MODULE_DIO2=16'    ; SX1278 pin DIO2
  '-DRF_MODULE_RST=17'     ; pin to be used as hardware reset
  '-DRF_MODULE_INIT_STATUS=true'    ; Display transceiver config during startup
; *** Heltec module requires non-standard SPI Config ***
  '-DRF_MODULE_CS=5'      ; pin to be used as chip select
; *** RadioLib Options ***
custom_description = Gateway using RTL_433_ESP library, need SX1278
custom_hardware = ESP32 DOIT DevKit V1 & external Ai Thinker Ra01 Loraboard SX1278 on VPSI and (DIO0=15, DIO1=4, DIO2=16 and RST=17)
upload_speed = 115200
upload_port = /dev/ttyUSB0
board_monitor.speed = 115200
board_monitor.port = /dev/ttyUSB0

Trying to work out if my compiled upload is not FSK, or just my antenna is rubbish


Not giving up, tried using 1.7 (instead of dev) and adding the build flag worked.

Enable RTL_433 Receiver: 433.92Mhz
N: Send on /RFtoMQTT msg {"active":3,"frequency":433.92,"rssithreshold":-97,"rssi":-96,"avgrssi":-106,"count":319,"ookthreshold":12}
N: Send on /RTL_433toMQTT/status msg {"model":"status","protocol":"rtl_433_ESP status message","modulation":"FSK","RTLRssi":-108,"RTLAVGRssi":-106,"RTLRssiThresh":-97,"signalRssi":-96,"RTLOOKThresh":12,"train":1,"RTLCnt":319,"totalSignals":127,"signalRatio":0,"ignoredSignals":126,"unparsedSignals":1,"StackHWM":704,"RTL_HWM":464,"DCD_HWM":1208,"freeMem":104264,"_enabledReceiver":1,"receiveMode":0}

You can now see modulation ‘FSK’. Do not understand the reason, but FSK flag works in 1.7.