I’m a newbie to omg, but have tinkered with platformio before. Wish to get Oil Watchman working with rtl433 (have it working on linux with SDR dongle), with a esp32doitv1 and ra-02. With the default (1.7) version I picked up nothing so thought would try and build myself from dev with
Compiles and uploads fine but when I check status I get
N: Enable RTL_433 Receiver: 433.92Mhz
E: [ WebUI ] rtl_433 not displaying RTL_433toMQTT
N: [ OMG->MQTT ] topic: home/OMG_rtl_433_ESP/RTL_433toMQTT/status msg: {"model":"status","protocol":"rtl_433_ESP status message","modulation":"OOK","RTLRssi":-105,"RTLAVGRssi":-106,"RTLRssiThresh":-97,"signalRssi":-94,"RTLOOKThresh":15,"train":1,"RTLCnt":11,"totalSignals":18,"signalRatio":0,"ignoredSignals":18,"unparsedSignals":0,"StackHWM":924,"RTL_HWM":724,"DCD_HWM":3872,"freeMem":113604,"_enabledReceiver":1,"receiveMode":0}
N: [ OMG->MQTT ] topic: home/OMG_rtl_433_ESP/RFtoMQTT msg: {"active":3,"frequency":433.92,"rssithreshold":-97,"rssi":-97,"avgrssi":-106,"count":11,"rtl433_stack":3872,"ookthreshold":15}
The bit that worries me is “modulation”:“OOK” and still not picking anything up - does that mean the flag has not been recognised?
My config:
platform = ${com.esp32_platform}
board = esp32doit-devkit-v1
board_build.partitions = min_spiffs.csv
lib_deps =
build_flags =
; *** OpenMQTTGateway Config ***
;'-UZmqttDiscovery' ; disables MQTT Discovery
'-DvalueAsATopic=true' ; MQTT topic includes model and device
; *** OpenMQTTGateway Modules ***
; *** rtl_433_ESP Options ***
'-DRTL_DEBUG=4' ; rtl_433 verbose mode
; '-DRTL_VERBOSE=58' ; LaCrosse TX141-Bv2, TX141TH-Bv2, TX141-Bv3, TX141W, TX145wsdth sensor
; '-DRAW_SIGNAL_DEBUG=true' ; display raw received messages
; '-DMEMORY_DEBUG=true' ; display memory usage information
'-DDEMOD_DEBUG=true' ; display signal debug info
'-DMY_DEVICES=true' ; subset of devices
; '-DPUBLISH_UNPARSED=true' ; publish unparsed signal details
'-DRSSI_THRESHOLD=12' ; Apply a delta of 12 (default 9)
; '-DOOK_FIXED_THRESHOLD=0x50' ; Inital OOK Threhold - Only for SX127X (default 5A)
; '-DAVERAGE_RSSI=5000' ; Display RSSI floor ( Average of 5000 samples )
; '-DSIGNAL_RSSI=true' ; Display during signal receive
; *** RF Module Options ***
'-DRF_SX1278="SX1278"' ;
'-DRF_MODULE_DIO0=15' ; SX1278 pin DIO0
'-DRF_MODULE_DIO1=4' ; SX1278 pin DIO1
'-DRF_MODULE_DIO2=16' ; SX1278 pin DIO2
'-DRF_MODULE_RST=17' ; pin to be used as hardware reset
'-DRF_MODULE_INIT_STATUS=true' ; Display transceiver config during startup
; *** Heltec module requires non-standard SPI Config ***
'-DRF_MODULE_CS=5' ; pin to be used as chip select
; *** RadioLib Options ***
custom_description = Gateway using RTL_433_ESP library, need SX1278
custom_hardware = ESP32 DOIT DevKit V1 & external Ai Thinker Ra01 Loraboard SX1278 on VPSI and (DIO0=15, DIO1=4, DIO2=16 and RST=17)
upload_speed = 115200
upload_port = /dev/ttyUSB0
board_monitor.speed = 115200
board_monitor.port = /dev/ttyUSB0
Trying to work out if my compiled upload is not FSK, or just my antenna is rubbish