Okay, after much playing, I finally got an RF Bridge flashed successfully with Arduino.
It’s wifi OpenMQTTGateway came up, I went to the wifi manager on, successfully setup to my home wifi, and got succssful connection with the mqtt server.
All good so far.
But then, when I switch off the RF Bridge, off, then on (testing a power cycle), the unit does not connect to my wifi anymore, and fires up the OpenMQTTGateway again.
So, it does not look like it is keeping its settings? where do I start looking for the problem?
Scondly, when it does bind to my wifi after the first setup in the Wifi Manager, I can ping the IP, but their is no web interface on that IP, is this by design?
I used the manual wifi config mode, entered my mqtt & wifi detals in config.h, so now the RF Bridge is joining the wifi & mqtt is working after a power cycle. Have not been able to prove that RF works yet.