You need to compile it yourself via platformIO
here are further details, hope this helps.
PS: not sure if the R8H is supported,
R8S works fine here.
Install Visual studio code
Install PlatformIO which runs on top
Install GIT
Download latest SOURCE CODE.ZIP from
Instructions to compile the BIN file
Additionnal notes:
Open the folder named “OpenMQTTGateway”
Open the platformio.ini file and uncomment the default_envs line
;default_envs = sonoff-basic-rfr3
default_envs = rfbridge
;default_envs = esp32dev-all
;default_envs = esp32dev-rf
;default_envs = esp32dev-ir
;default_envs = esp32dev-ble
;default_envs = ttgo-lora32-v1
Change file user_config.h
//#define ZgatewayRF “RF” //ESP8266, Arduino, ESP32
//#define ZgatewayRF315 “RF315” //ESP8266, Arduino, ESP32
//#define ZgatewayIR “IR” //ESP8266, Arduino, Sonoff RF Bridge
//#define ZgatewayLORA “LORA” //ESP8266, Arduino, ESP32
#define ZgatewayPilight “Pilight” //ESP8266, Arduino, ESP32
//#define ZgatewayBT “BT” //ESP8266, Arduino, ESP32
//#define ZgatewayRF2 “RF2” //ESP8266, Arduino, ESP32
Change file config_RF.h
/-------------------PIN DEFINITIONS----------------------/
#ifdef ESP8266
#define RF_RECEIVER_PIN 4 // D3 on nodemcu // put 4 with rf bridge direct mod
#elif ESP32
#define RF_RECEIVER_PIN 27 // D27 on DOIT ESP32
#elif AVR_ATmega2560
#define RF_RECEIVER_PIN 1 //1 = D3 on mega
#define RF_RECEIVER_PIN 1 //1 = D3 on arduino
#ifdef ESP8266
#define RF_EMITTER_PIN 5 // RX on nodemcu if it doesn’t work with 3, try with 4 (D2) // put 5 with rf bridge direct mod
#elif ESP32
#define RF_EMITTER_PIN 12 // D12 on DOIT ESP32
#elif AVR_ATmega2560
#define RF_EMITTER_PIN 4
//IMPORTANT NOTE: On arduino UNO connect IR emitter pin to D9 , comment #define IR_USE_TIMER2 and uncomment #define IR_USE_TIMER1 on library IRremote/boarddefs.h so as to free pin D3 for RF RECEIVER PIN
//RF PIN definition
#define RF_EMITTER_PIN 4 //4 = D4 on arduino
Erase flash 1 or 2 times before uploading
Then you can upload the program to your board by clicking on the white arrow at the blue bottom bar
If you encounter errors the first thing to do is to clean your environment by using the white dust bin in the blue bottom bar.