Sonoff RF Bridge Serial on IDE not responding to commands

Hello guys, I’ve flashed the OpenMQTT Gateway on a Sonoff RF Bridge. I can see it connected to my router, and also can see his IP on the IDE COM Port.

But the problem is I can’t get it to receive codes from the RF sensors. I’ve set the baudrate at 115200 (same as USB adapter), and it doesn’t respond anything. The same for 19200 baudrate.

I’ve flashed yesterday a ESP8266 Gateway with the RF receiver, but I found the range way short (it is below 2meters!). But with the sensors very close to it, I could get the sensor info, and correctly displayed it on the Openhab via MQTT.

I’ve used the same configuration for the Bridge (commenting the BT and IR options), leaving just the ZgatewaySRFB uncommented.

I can see the RF led flash when the sensor is activaded, but can’t get the info for it just like I can do with the ESP gateway.

There is any way to acess it via IP, or any command on putty

Thanks for the help.

I’ll just figure it out. Found an excellent tutorial from DrZzs (, that says to use the software “MQTT.fx” to get MQTT signals.
Then with the topic “home/OpenMQTTGateway/SRFBtoMQTT” I could be able to get the signal from sensors.
Also, adjusted the config on the Openhab with the correct SRFB config to get the sensors working.

I’m leaving this tip here to be able to help someone who may stuck with the same doubt.

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