Hi All,
First post here. I’ve created a new topic as my “symptoms” are somewhat different from the previous topics.
I’ve been running OMG on a nodemcuv2 with an RXB12 superhet for a while now. I originally needed to move the receiver data line to D1 and re-compile and it is now working perfectly.
I ordered a Sonoff RF Bridge. The board is labelled “433RFBRIGE R2 V1.0 2017 11 23” (not my mis-spelling in “433BRIGE”). I flashed 0.9.2 (the same as my nodemcuv2).
I uncommented #define ZgatewaySRFB “SRFB” in User_config.h
I uncommented #define ESPWifiManualSetup true and set my Wifi and Mosquitto credentials as per the other board.
In platformio.ini, I uncommented default_envs = rfbridge and added upload_port = /dev/ttyUSB2 under [env:rfbridge]
Compiled and flashed on Debian 9 using platformio.
I’ve moved the slide switch back to the “S2” position.
It appears on my network, connects to Mosquitto and publishes under OpenMQTTGateway_SRFB/LWT, version and SYStoMQTT and displays the usual “uptime” payload and lists modules as “SRFBHADiscovery” - (this despite //#define ZmqttDiscovery “HADiscovery” being commented. On my other board I needed to explicitly #undef ZmqttDiscovery to prevent discovery in HA but that’s a different issue).
Despite various warnings in the HA logs about “Unable to parse JSON…” it has created the two sensors in - HA OpenMQTTGateway_SRFB and gatewaySRFB.
I can see output over the serial port.
However, it is not reacting to any 433MHz activity at all and neither the WIFI_LED nor RF_LED light up.
I haven’t done much reading on the Sonoff hardware as I assumed that it was just an ESP_ with 433MHz rx and tx much like my other board but it seems that may not be the case.
I presume that the mapping from the rx output to the ESP gpio is set correctly in the code? Sonoff hasn’t changed it in later boards?
At this stage, I’m inclined to think that the hardware is faulty since everything else looks to be working correctly (and since the nodemcuv2 is correctly decoding the 433MHz data.)
Any suggestions will be gratefully received.