Switchbot Bot and Tilt Blinds do not work

I am having trouble with a couple of Switchbot devices. I have an Outdoor Meter that does work correctly, but Tilt Blinds and a Bot do not. My main home automation is on Openhab but also have Home Assistant running, mostly troubleshoot the Switchbot devices.

My board is a Hiletgo ESP32 mini ESP-WROOM-32 Development Board programed with esp32dev-ble. My Tilt Blinds are on firmware ver. 2.2 and my Bot is at ver. 6.6.

I use MQTT Explorer to debug. The Outdoor Meter shows reasonable data but not the Tilt Blinds or Bot. I have tried sending commands to the Switchbot Bot and get no responce. For example

home/OMG_ESP32_BLE/commands/MQTTtoBT -m '{"SBS1":"on","mac":"CC:35:34:36:3D:06"}'

with or with the commands in the topic. No response. I am out of ideas. Again, the Outdoor Meter shows up correctly in Openhab. Any help would be appreciated.

Hello Chris,

The Switchbot Bot control integration has a bug in 1.7.0. The control for the tilt has not yet been implemented.
The 2 are on my TODO

Thank you, anything I can do to help, please let me know. I really appreciate your efforts.