Theengs Bridge - WebUI?

I recently ordered two Theengs Bridges running OpenMQTTGateway 1.7.5.
On this forum, and in the documentation I read about a WebUI, but I am unable to find it on my Theengs Bridge.

During setup I connected to the Wi-Fi portal without problems. I entered my broker details and the bridge starts sending messages correctly. I did not enter a Wi-Fi network since I only use ethernet.

After this setup the Wi-Fi portal is no longer accessible. And I can’t find the WebUI. I tried http://IP and https://IP, I also tried port 8080, and things like /info or /index.htm
I looked at the documentation, but it does not state how to reach the WebUI. Anyone knows how to reach the WebUI?



In the 1.7.5 the WebUI is not activated per default for the bridge.
I can add it as a beta feature in the development branch if you want to try it.

Yes, it would be nice if you could do that.

I believe it would be a nice feature for the Theengs Bridge to make it even easier to manage its settings.

It will be available in development tomorrow:

For TBRIDGE02 choose theengs-bridge-v11