OMG ESP32 firmwares offer the option to send antenna config commands such as commands/MQTTtoBT/config {"pubadvdata":true}
and receive statistics though the broker’s MQTTtoBT, MQTTtoSYS and SYStoMQTT topics which are also available through the HA discovery.
I haven’t found such a feature on Theengs gateway. Is this planned?
Not planned short-term but PR is welcome to do an equivalent.
What would be your use case?
The ESP32 is a constrained environment so we need close monitoring of stack, memory, uptime. This is not required with the gateway. Also the configuration is only loaded at the start from a file with Theengs Gateway.
I’m working on a unified Jeedom BLE antennas plugin that would manage both theengs and ESP32.
That would really be helpful to change remote antenna settings on the fly without having to modify a remote file and restart the antenna.
I’m not planning to add this soon but PR are welcome.