TheengsGateway and BLE update freqency

I’ve just succesfully deployed TheengsGateway on Home Assistant.
All works fine but I’ve noted that using an MQTT client like MQTT Explorer it receive updates (like RSSI, name or ID) from BLE devices about 2 o 3 times per minute.
At the same time, using a BLE scanner like nRF Connect I see that the same data are continuously updated (say al least one time per second).
I’ve tried to modify this settings on HA’s dashboard but it seems to me that nothing change:

Any idea?
Thanks in advance.


Could you try with these settings and restart:

Just tried on my side, and I see continuous updates coming

Hi 1technophile, thanks for you reply.
Ive tried your suggestion but update continues to be every 10 or 20 secs.
I’ve tried even with 5/1 but with same results:

That’s already a progress !

What use case do you need to cover to have less than 20s between updates?

I’m developing an interface that that for the most of time is slleping and only for few seconds per minute is awake

For this reason I need real time communicatio with BLE device.


You could try to set-up scan_duration to 1000 and time_between to 0

I’ve tried, but nothing changes:

On this window, 10:45:00 to 10:45:30, when was your device broadcasting versus what has been caught by the gateway ?

This screenshot is the ouput of MQTT explorer that is connected to Home Assistant that hosts Mosquitto Broker and TheengsGateway:

Sorry, maybe I was not explicit enough.
What are the expected readings from the screenshots, when does your device broadcast during this time window ?
Also, which OS is your server running with?

@m4biz , could you install the nRFConnect app on your phone and view the device there. It should show you the Advertising Interval for your device.

What does it say for ESP32-BLE-Nr3? Could it be that the interval is ~ 10000 ms?

Here screenshots from nRF Connect:


Advertise interval change but is of fews ms

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All software: Home Assistant, Theengs Gateway and Mosquitto, are installed on the same Raspberry PI Model 4

BeIow Theengs Gateway we use Bleak

I would suggest to experiment with the examples and see if you get more performances.