Hi, I am using a LilyGo with OMG installed. I have successfully received messages using it and it has posted it to my MQTT server. It has decoded it correctly and it is working well.
I am now attempting to transmit messages. Looking at the documentation all I can see is the topic OpenMQTTGateway/commands/MQTTto433 . This looks like it will take a value and transmit it. {“value”:1234567}
Is there a way to get the OMG to encode the values I want using a different Topic / data format? or is there a way to manually encode the data I have into the value?
This is the data I received and would like to re-transmit as required using MQTT. It is from a roller blind i would like to integrate in to my HA.
“model”: “Markisol”,
“id”: 62485,
“control”: “Up (12)”,
“channel”: 1,
“zone”: 1,
“mic”: “CHECKSUM”,
“protocol”: “Markisol, E-Motion, BOFU, Rollerhouse, BF-30x, BF-415 curtain remote”,
“rssi”: -44,
“duration”: 1098000
I appreciate any help or pointers to any existing articles on the subject.