Unable to Send IR Signal


I’m using OMG with only ZGatewayIR. I have tried both master & development branch.
I’m using default pinout on ESP8266.

RX is OK.
TX doesn’t work.

I have tried IRSendDemo for my Sony TV to Power ON & OFF, it works with D0/PIN16.
With OMG I have replace with a normal LED. I see the blinking while sending…

FYI, the message format on repeatIRwMQTT is wrong :

home/OpenMQTTGateway/commands/MQTTtoIR 1587664935

must be :

home/OpenMQTTGateway/commands/MQTTtoIR '{"value":1587664935}'

I have tried to send Raw signal, but it still doesn’t work. MQTT message is at 1024.

I don’t understand why it fails.

Here is an example of my serial output :

Using NEC protocol
Pub json into:
Hey I got a callback 
Store signal
Min ind: 
store code :
Col: val/timestamp
Data JSON stored

thanks for the help.

PS : OMG in développement branch reboots while using protocol IR_Sony.

Sorry to hijack this thread but I have a similar problem as well with my wemos D1 mini and Lolin IR shield. I do not seam to receive any IR signals looking at mqtt explorer.
I can see in mqtt explorer, the gateway topics of LWT and Version only for OpenMqttGateway.

what am I missing or doing wrong?


You should add the protocol to the payload, it should be IR_SONY

I was receiving 2 messages on RX. First one was incomplete, so value was wrong. it works great with the 2nd message. I ran a IR receptor on Arduino to compare signal between remote and esp8266 to understand.

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Could you post for the others an example of working messages please?

I saw this post while trying to understand why my Sony TV did not receive IR signals which seemed to be correct:
mosquitto_pub -t home/OpenMQTTGateway/commands/MQTTtoIR -m '{"hex":"0xA90","protocol_name":"SONY"}'

By reading the code, I understood that “Sony devices expect the message to be sent at least 3 times.” Now, that works:

mosquitto_pub -t home/OpenMQTTGateway/commands/MQTTtoIR -m '{"hex":"0xA90","protocol_name":"SONY", repeat:3}'

It might be a good idea to add this in the doc or, maybe to automize sending 3 messages when protocol_name is SONY?



Thanks for pointing that I will automate it


Sorry for re-activating this topic but im stuck at a similar situation.

My ESP8266-board flashed with nodemcuv2-ir-firmware.bin is running fine.

It immediately worked, pointing my Sony Bravia Remote at the Receiver getting the following when pushing the power button:


Now i thought i just had to send one of the following


But my TV does not seem to react on any of my tries

The Board is blinking and the Transceiver also

Im not sure what im doing wrong

While I don’t have a Sony TV, I would assume the above working, or as stated in the Docs, with the protocol_name

For example if I want to send a command to a Sony TV you can use the following command:

mosquitto_pub -t home/OpenMQTTGateway/commands/MQTTtoIR -m '{"value":551489775,"protocol_name":"SONY"}'

and with it being mentioned above that Sony TVs apparently expect a repeated signal, how about adding are higher repeat manually in your commands, e.g.


Also with selfmade IR transmitters the signal sometimes is not strong enough with just one transmitter LED. So also try placing the IR gateway closer to the TV, and see if it works then.

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Same result, the transmitter is blinking but the TV does not respond
What im seeing is, that e.g. the SONY Remote seems to have a much higher repetition-rate of its signals than the one specified for OMG it seems → Im seeing it via the LEDs reacting to singals

Its not a selfmade one, im using this one (receiving works fine)

I bought more than one, maybe i can replace the transmitter im using right now and its maybe a defect part?

Sorry, that’s what I meant by selfmade IR gateway, when hooking up a single IR transmitting LED to and ESP8266 :wink:

Personally I had a pretty bad transmission range with a very similar, if not the same, IR transmitter module - only about 1-2 metres or so.

You really should get it very close to your TV first just to make sure if it might be the LED transmitter range or possibly something still with the signal repetition, or also try with any other IR device and remote which you might have at home.

The best IR receiver and transmitter in the past for OMG was the Avatto/Bakeey IR blaster. Unfortunately the newer models are not with an ESP8266 inside any longer, but a custom chip which is not compatible with OpemMQTTGateway.

You can read about it in this thread

As you also seem to be in Germany (from your Ali link above) you might want to risk a purchase, to see if any of the S06 remotes offered in German online stores are still with the old ESP8266 inside :wink: just make sure it does NOT mention Tuya compatibility anywhere! It would also require an FTDI for the first initial OMG upload.

Even this one on eBay Germany seems to have the same package as my old versions, without any Tuya mentioned anywhere


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Yes i also did that, my current bread-board build is standing right in front of my TV

I (think) i also see after sending a signal, the receiver immediately receives the correct message but the TV does not react

Thanks for this hint

I think something like this is maybe my last chance

But one more thing:

Do you think it is possible for me to generate a build where the repeat-frequency in case of sending IR-signals with repeat attribute is higher than the standard one?

Im pretty sure the SONY remote has a much higher repetition rate because if i push a button and hold it, my IR-receiver is blinking much faster as if im sending a repeated signal wit OMG

Thank you anyway for your very detailled answers and helpful input

Hmmm … with looking at the actual IR library Sony relevant file, and this comment with its related GitHub issue, you might want to test sending some more with "protocol_name":"SONY_38K" and/or using the raw data.

Also the hex sending you tried above should have also included the bits, as described at

or you might want to also try the Global Cache database suggested solution, if you Sony TV is listed there.

Fingers crossed …

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Thank you!
I will test it

Sorry for the delay … a bit busy at the moment



above did not work


above did not work


above did not work


above did not work


above did not work


above did not work

Global Cache Database (for Power OFF)


above did not work


above did not work

Using multiple Transmitters

What do you think about using multiple transmitters attached to the same data-pin of the Board

Would this double the transmission intensity?

OK one last Update

Thanks to your help i got it working with these three things in combination:

  1. Getting REALLY REALLY CLOSE to the TVs IR-Receiver
  2. Using two IR-Transmitters attached to the same Pins for double Intensity
  3. Using this payload



Thank you very very much

  • Now i can solder this bad boy
  • Hopefully this thread helps others
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Since all your tests with the different protocol names and other settings, and assuming you did all these test at a very short distance to your Sony TV, adding more LEDs would not really help. This was only a suggestion if some command would have worked at a shorter range.to extend the transmission range.

I also assume you followed the IR hardware setup and hookup from the docs, with the transistor and resistors - which actually seem to be built into your board?

Maybe an idea just to double check all the wiring. Or test with any other IR remote and receiving device you might have at home, like a HiFi system or such.

When you say the transmitter is blinking, do you mean the actual IR LED, or some other status LED on the transmitter board? To check the actual IR LED you should be able to see its output with your smart-phone camera or any other video camera you might have.

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Yes i meant the status LED of the IR-Transmitter on the board
I also saw that the transmitter did send like specified in my command because the receiver (placed next to the transmitter) did immediately show exactly the data i inserted

So my problem is solved via being very very close to the TV and using “SONY_38K” protocol

Thank you again