X10RF-433mhz recognition


i have 2 ms13 they are partially discoverded only RSSI appear.

MS13 as :

one channel for day or night - ON - OFF
one channel Motion detection - ON - OFF was it possiblee to modify the discovery to have it work corectly ?

/RTL_433toMQTT/X10-RF/A/2 msg {“model”:“X10-RF”,“id”:2,“channel”:“A”,“state”:“ON”,“data”:1621037295,“mic”:“PARITY”,“protocol”:“X10 RF”,“rssi”:-75,“duration”:171997}
/RTL_433toMQTT/X10-RF/A/1 msg {“model”:“X10-RF”,“id”:1,“channel”:“A”,“state”:“ON”,“data”:1621033215,“mic”:“PARITY”,“protocol”:“X10 RF”,“rssi”:-77,“duration”:67000}


Could you share samples for the different channels, please

je pense que je me suis mal expliqué mon anglais etant pauvre, il me semble que tu parles Français on a discuté sur le forum de jeedom :slight_smile:

En fait comme tu le voie au dessus le MS13 publie /RTL_433toMQTT/X10-RF/A/1 en on ou off concernant la detection de mouvement , il passe a on qd il détecte qq un et a off x seconde après en fonction du réglage choisi.
il publie aussi ON ou OFF sur /RTL_433toMQTT/X10-RF/A/2 en fonction du passage Jour / Nuit, tres pratique pour gerer les lumieres :slight_smile:

si dessous un retour console OMG:

N: Send on /RTL_433toMQTT/X10-RF/A/1 msg {“model”:“X10-RF”,“id”:1,“channel”:“A”,“state”:“ON”,“data”:1621033215,“mic”:“PARITY”,“protocol”:“X10 RF”,“rssi”:-71,“duration”:110997}

N: Send on /RTL_433toMQTT/X10-RF/A/2 msg {“model”:“X10-RF”,“id”:2,“channel”:“A”,“state”:“ON”,“data”:1621037295,“mic”:“PARITY”,“protocol”:“X10 RF”,“rssi”:-69,“duration”:396000}


Il vaut mieux continuer en Anglais car cela peut etre utile à d’autres personnes :wink: .
Il me faudrait des exemples avec différent state et channel du message pour savoir comment contruire l’auto discovery.


It is better to continue in English so that it can be useful for others. I would need examples of the payload of the different channels and states so that I can build auto discovery.

ok no pb ,

but in console i only have the info i show you :
/RTL_433toMQTT/X10-RF/A/2 msg {“model”:“X10-RF”,“id”:2,“channel”:“A”,“state”:“ON”,“data”:1621037295,“mic”:“PARITY”,“protocol”:“X10 RF”,“rssi”:-75,“duration”:171997}
/RTL_433toMQTT/X10-RF/A/1 msg {“model”:“X10-RF”,“id”:1,“channel”:“A”,“state”:“ON”,“data”:1621033215,“mic”:“PARITY”,“protocol”:“X10 RF”,“rssi”:-77,“duration”:67000}
/RTL_433toMQTT/X10-RF/A/2 msg {“model”:“X10-RF”,“id”:2,“channel”:“A”,“state”:“OFF”,“data”:1621045455,“mic”:“PARITY”,“protocol”:“X10 RF”,“rssi”:-75,“duration”:63003}

Which ones are for day/night and motion detection ? If you could detail this message = day, this message = motion ON it would help

for motion detection :
/RTL_433toMQTT/X10-RF/A/1 msg {“model”:“X10-RF”,“id”:1,“channel”:“A”,“state”:“ON”,“data”:1621033215,“mic”:“PARITY”,“protocol”:“X10 RF”,“rssi”:-77,“duration”:67000}

for Day/night :
/RTL_433toMQTT/X10-RF/A/2 msg {“model”:“X10-RF”,“id”:2,“channel”:“A”,“state”:“ON”,“data”:1621045455,“mic”:“PARITY”,“protocol”:“X10 RF”,“rssi”:-75,“duration”:63003}

and it’s he same device . at this moment OMG discover 2 devices with only rssi


MAC: X10-RF-A-1



MAC: X10-RF-A-2

The state never goes to OFF ?

yes motion goes off x second after on , you coud difine this with manuals params

day = on a night= off

/RTL_433toMQTT/X10-RF/A/2 msg {“model”:“X10-RF”,“id”:2,“channel”:“A”,“state”:“OFF”,“data”:1621045455,“mic”:“PARITY”,“protocol”:“X10 RF”,“rssi”:-75,“duration”:63003}
N: Send on /RTL_433toMQTT/X10-RF/A/1 msg {“model”:“X10-RF”,“id”:1,“channel”:“A”,“state”:“OFF”,“data”:1621033215,“mic”:“PARITY”,“protocol”:“X10 RF”,“rssi”:-71,“duration”:110997}

it s good for you or you want more logs ?

Thanks, it should be good

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something new for X10 ?