868MHz Any Working Door Sensor for OMG on LoRa TTGO?


i came to LoRa and OMG just a few weeks ago, so sorry for my newby questions!
I am looking for a solution to observe a remote door in my HomeAssistant. As there is no possibility for BLE or Wifi I thought that LoRa would be a possibility.
So I bought a LilyGo TTGO ESP32 LoRa-Board and flashed it with OMG. In addition I ordered a Dragino LDS02 LoRaWAN door sensor.
As I just learned a few minutes ago (LORA - join device with keys?, LoRaWAN Sensors are not compatible with OMG.

Do you know any sensors or a possiblity to observe the status of a remote door via LoRa?

thanks a lot

I do not know why you have 868MHz at top of the topic. There are classic 433 sensors that work with rtl_433:


If you need 868Mhz for transferring the data over LoRa with 500mW or even more power, then maybe the serial mode integrated in version 1.8.0 of this project could solve the case. Then you would have two esp32 devices. One running rtl_433_esp and the second one doing just the LoRa communication with the data it got over serial.

You could also ignore this software project here, and use the Lora door sensor you have now and setup at your home a TTN station to receive its data (and probably join the full TTN network): LDS02 - Door Sensor | Device Repository for LoRaWAN