Creating devices in Home Assistant

Currently, I have 4 xiaomi mijia lywsd03mmc integrated using an esp32 running the development brach of openmqttgateway.

For each device, 5 sensors are created, but they are not tied together, they don’t create a device to tie them together and assign them to an area.


   "val_tpl":"{{ value_json.tempc | is_defined }}",


  "stat_t": "home/OpenMQTTGateway_ESP32_BLE/BTtoMQTT/A4C138C9BC21",
  "name": "LYWSD03MMC-tempf",
  "uniq_id": "A4C138C9BC21-LYWSD03MMC-tempf",
  "dev_cla": "temperature",
  "val_tpl": "{{ value_json.tempf | is_defined }}",
  "unit_of_meas": "F"


  "stat_t": "home/OpenMQTTGateway_ESP32_BLE/BTtoMQTT/A4C138C9BC21",
  "name": "LYWSD03MMC-hum",
  "uniq_id": "A4C138C9BC21-LYWSD03MMC-hum",
  "dev_cla": "humidity",
  "val_tpl": "{{ value_json.hum | is_defined }}",
  "unit_of_meas": "%"


  "stat_t": "home/OpenMQTTGateway_ESP32_BLE/BTtoMQTT/A4C138C9BC21",
  "name": "LYWSD03MMC-batt",
  "uniq_id": "A4C138C9BC21-LYWSD03MMC-batt",
  "dev_cla": "battery",
  "val_tpl": "{{ value_json.batt | is_defined }}",
  "unit_of_meas": "%"


  "stat_t": "home/OpenMQTTGateway_ESP32_BLE/BTtoMQTT/A4C138C9BC21",
  "name": "LYWSD03MMC-volt",
  "uniq_id": "A4C138C9BC21-LYWSD03MMC-volt",
  "val_tpl": "{{ value_json.volt | is_defined }}",
  "unit_of_meas": "V"

I tried to change, in ZmqttDiscovery.ino

#  ifdef ZgatewayBT
void createDiscoveryFromList(char* mac, char* sensorList[][8], int sensorCount) {
  for (int i = 0; i < sensorCount; i++) {
    Log.trace(F("CreateDiscoverySensor %s" CR), sensorList[i][1]);
    String discovery_topic = String(subjectBTtoMQTT) + "/" + String(mac);
    String unique_id = String(mac) + "-" + sensorList[i][1];
                    (char*)discovery_topic.c_str(), sensorList[i][1], (char*)unique_id.c_str(),
                    will_Topic, sensorList[i][3], sensorList[i][4],
                    sensorList[i][5], sensorList[i][6], sensorList[i][7],
                    0, "", "", false, "");
#  endif


#  ifdef ZgatewayBT
void createDiscoveryFromList(char* mac, char* sensorList[][8], int sensorCount) {
  for (int i = 0; i < sensorCount; i++) {
    Log.trace(F("CreateDiscoverySensor %s" CR), sensorList[i][1]);
    String discovery_topic = String(subjectBTtoMQTT) + "/" + String(mac);
    String unique_id = String(mac) + "-" + sensorList[i][1];
                    (char*)discovery_topic.c_str(), sensorList[i][1], (char*)unique_id.c_str(),
                    will_Topic, sensorList[i][3], sensorList[i][4],
                    sensorList[i][5], sensorList[i][6], sensorList[i][7],
                    0, "", "", true, "");
#  endif

But this has not the desired effect, I end up with something like


   "val_tpl":"{{ value_json.tempc | is_defined }}",
   "device": {
    "name": "OpenMQTTGateway_ESP32_BLE",
    "manufacturer": "OMG_community",
    "sw_version": "version_tag",
    "identifiers": [

What I want to achieve, is to end up with something like this :

   "val_tpl":"{{ value_json.tempc | is_defined }}",
   "device": {
    "name": "LYWSD03MMC",
    "manufacturer": "OMG_community",
    "identifiers": [

and same device block for all 5 sensors for the same LYWSD03MMC

So I end up with something like this in HA

Got it. My changed function :

void createDiscovery(char* sensor_type,
                     char* st_topic, char* s_name, char* unique_id,
                     char* availability_topic, char* device_class, char* value_template,
                     char* payload_on, char* payload_off, char* unit_of_meas,
                     int off_delay,
                     char* payload_available, char* payload_not_avalaible, bool child_device, char* cmd_topic) {
  StaticJsonBuffer<JSON_MSG_CALC_BUFFER> jsonBuffer;
  JsonObject& sensor = jsonBuffer.createObject();

  char state_topic[mqtt_topic_max_size];
  strcpy(state_topic, mqtt_topic);
  strcat(state_topic, st_topic);
  sensor.set("stat_t", state_topic); //state_topic

  sensor.set("name", s_name); //name
  sensor.set("uniq_id", unique_id); //unique_id
  if (device_class[0])
    sensor.set("dev_cla", device_class); //device_class
  if (value_template[0])
    sensor.set("val_tpl", value_template); //value_template
  if (payload_on[0])
    sensor.set("pl_on", payload_on); // payload_on
  if (payload_off[0])
    sensor.set("pl_off", payload_off); //payload_off
  if (unit_of_meas[0])
    sensor.set("unit_of_meas", unit_of_meas); //unit_of_measurement*/
  if (off_delay != 0)
    sensor.set("off_delay", off_delay); //off_delay
  if (payload_available[0])
    sensor.set("pl_avail", payload_available); // payload_on
  if (payload_not_avalaible[0])
    sensor.set("pl_not_avail", payload_not_avalaible); //payload_off

  if (cmd_topic[0]) {
    char command_topic[mqtt_topic_max_size];
    strcpy(command_topic, mqtt_topic);
    strcat(command_topic, cmd_topic);
    sensor.set("cmd_t", command_topic); //command_topic

  if (child_device) {
    StaticJsonBuffer<JSON_MSG_BUFFER> jsonDeviceBuffer;
    JsonObject& device = jsonDeviceBuffer.createObject();
    device.set("name", gateway_name);
    device.set("manufacturer", DEVICEMANUFACTURER);
    device.set("sw_version", OMG_VERSION);
    JsonArray& identifiers = device.createNestedArray("identifiers");
    sensor.set("device", device); //device sensor is connected to
  else {
    char deviceid[13];
    char devicename[40];
    int index = 0;
    memcpy(deviceid, &unique_id[0], 12 );    
    deviceid[12]= '\0';
    index = strcspn (s_name,"-");
    memcpy(devicename, &s_name[0], index );    
    devicename[index]= '\0';
    StaticJsonBuffer<JSON_MSG_BUFFER> jsonDeviceBuffer;
    JsonObject& device = jsonDeviceBuffer.createObject();
    device.set("name", devicename);
    device.set("model", devicename);
    device.set("manufacturer", DEVICEMANUFACTURER);
    JsonArray& identifiers = device.createNestedArray("identifiers");
    sensor.set("device", device); //device sensor is connected to

  String topic = String(discovery_Topic) + "/" + String(sensor_type) + "/" + String(unique_id) + "/config";
  pub_custom_topic((char*)topic.c_str(), sensor, true);

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Very good! I have 10 sensors and I want apply it on my Hass; have you solved all the problem or have you any other issues?

it is only tested with my 4 LYWSD03MMC’s, but it should work with all BLE sensors.

I have a question, do these lywsd03mmc sensors work for you on the factory sensor software or on the changed software?
At the moment I have 4 lywsd03mmc sensors and I want to have them added to the Home Assistant via the Open Mqtt gate, but also have them in the Xiaomi Home application via the ZNDMWG02LM gate. Can you do that? Can I have a brief description?
Thank you

I don’t think it is possible to have them both on openmqttgateway and the ZNDMWG02LM gate at the same time.

This is what I was afraid of.
Thank you for your answer.

OpenMQTTGateway is great software. Works great. I love the way it works. Great applause!

It’s even better after your modification. Now I have consistency with how devices (sensors) are presented in HA. It is identical to the devices that I have connected via ZHA. And I can finally assign a room to them easily.

My suggestion is to implement this in the official tree. Even as a switchable option: Discovery sensors as devices.

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This is exactly what I’ve been looking for. I have roughly 10 Xiaomi Cleargrass temperature displays and several MiFlora’s publishing information through several OpenMQTTGateways, but I haven’t been able to add the sensors under each respective device (there is no device, only sensors). Could you please help me on this? Where do I have to add the code @francisp wrote? A step-by-step guide would be greatly appreciated!

If you take the last development branch, this functionnality has been integrated.

Super! You are doing a great job!

So I should flash the the precompiled v0.9.5? Do I have to enable this feature somehow after flashing?

Now that I have you on the line, I’m also looking to disable all beacons that only publish such info:

539DE3916193 = {“id”:“xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx”,“rssi”:-72,“distance”:4.287841}

I believe this is also possible in 0.9.5? How do I get rid of the beacon spam?

Thanks again for all your help!

I’ve never compiled the bins myself, always used the precompiled ones :slight_smile:

You have to wait for v0.9.6 or compile the development branch.

You can do it by following these instructions :

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I’ve compiled development version and this works really nice. Great work! I’m struggling a bit with too slow updates to the readings but that is configurable I think. The one thing I am missing is remaining battery life on the Mi Flower Care. In the app it’s a bit hidden at hardware settings but it is being send. Is it possible to get that working to?

Would be nice if it could be shown on the devices page as well as on the card itself.

This requires a connection to the miflora, I’m thinking on adding it as other connection oriented data retrieval.

That would be great!

I’m still having issues with getting some of the Clearglass temperature and humidity e-ink displays to budle their sensor readings into one device.

Can someone assist me with this? How to make sure that entities get recognized as belonging to one device?

Note that with autodiscovery and the last version of OMG, the devices created are not gateway dependent.
Even if you have 10 gateways and one device, the 10 are going to identify the device the same way and feed it into home assistant.

Hi guys,
first post so apologies if I missed any etiquette.
I got OMG installed on a WEMOS ESP32 board and integrated it in HA ( esp32dev-ble, v0.9.9).
I also have a LYWSD03MMC flashed with the custom firmware (pvvx flavour), HW B1.7, SW 3.5.
All settings are default (except for the name: “ATC_CF0001”), i.e. Advertising type is set to “Custom”.

MQTT Explorer connected to the mosquitto on HA show the following for the ID/MAC:
“id”: “A4:C1:38:CF:01:56”,
“mac_type”: 0,
“name”: “ATC_CF0001”,
“rssi”: -70,
“servicedata”: “5601cf38c1a44008bd13470c64cc0f”

If I understand BLE gateway | OpenMQTTGateway v0.9.9 correctly, the sensor values should show up in MQTT as well (lux in the example), but that isn’t the case.

SYS:Autodiscovery is on in HA.
Any ideas what to try next?

GitHub - atc1441/ATC_MiThermometer: Custom firmware for the Xiaomi Thermometer LYWSD03MMC and Telink Flasher via USB to Serial converter also says it works OOTB regarding autodiscovery, but I only have the OMG itself, not the sensor.
I assume that relies on the OMG “converting” the advertised values so should work then.