DIGOO DG-R8S 433MHZ battery operated temperature and humidity sensor with embedded display

I used PIO and I added below code into platformio.ino as in the post

default_envs = Sonoff-RFBridge-Pilight

platform = ${com.esp8266_platform}
board = esp8285
lib_deps =

build_flags =
board_build.flash_mode = dout

Any idea? Is any way to debug the received data?

Did you changed the tolerance as advised into the post?

Yes, but w/o effect. I tried with 200 and 300.

After this I did some troubleshooting and found that R8S (protocol TFA when is decoded) isn’t decoded after nexus protocol is introduced in Pilight for R8H.
With the same configuration file, using the development, I did below tests:

  • delete from protocol_header.h all TFA protocols but keep nexus.h: R8H is recognized but nothing on R8S
  • delete from protocol_header.h the nexus.h and introduce all TFA protocols: R8S is recognized but not R8H, which is normal; BTW R8S is decoded twice

I am not an expert but for me looks like a conflict between these libraries. I checked if tfa.h has any change comparing with previous Pilight release but isn’t the case.

Any idea what else to do?

with andurino ide i just add pilight 0.17 lib i have :

Is it from a R8S or a R8H?

Anyway, I will try the Arduino IDE and comeback with updates.

it’s from from digoo r8h

This is working for me also.
My issue is with R8S :frowning:

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Easy to say. Difficult to do. In fact I get errors when trying to use rfbridge libraries.
I’m thinking to abandon R8S troubleshooting and spend my time on other projects.

I will test mine R8S with the new libraries this WE if you want.

Please, if you have time.

You are right, the last version of ESPilight v0.17.0 doesn’t work anymore with DG-R8S but work with DG-R8H

  • With Pilight v0.17.0 R8S KO, R8H OK
  • With Pilight v0.16.2 R8S OK, R8H KO