I have a working alpha codebase that supports using the rtf_433 device decoders on a ESP32 and a cc1101 transceiver. This is running under the openMQTTGateway codebase ( awesome framework), and am wondering if there is significant interest in merging this as a feature of the main code base. As the feature is heap and stack intensive, it is unlikely to function on devices with less resources than a ESP32, and it requires a CC1101 as radio. The CC1101 is a requirement as I used it’s signal strength indicator (rssi) to detect start and end of message. Also it is not 100% stable and occasionally restarts due to a experiences stack overflow error.
The ported library is here
And my branch of openMQTTGateway is here
I was thinking that due to the limitations of usage ( requiring a ESP32 and CC1101 ) it is likely to used minimally, but wanted to solicit feedback from the community first.
With the CC1101 requirement, when I was coding the signal receiver portion I found that the existing signal gap based approach to determine end of message problematic and used RSSI instead to more align with the existing rtl_sdr approach. This immensely improved the quality of signal reception.
PS I have been running this for about a month in conjunction with RF/RCSwitch, and a BME280 and it has been pretty good. I have been using RF/RCSwitch to control my ceiling fans at the same time as receiving rtl_433 messages.