OMG V0.9.8 broker password change


I’m still using OMG V0.9.8 on an ESP32 with IR and RF configurations for some years without any issues!
Only problem now is that I’ve setup a new MQTT broker which requires a user name and password, where my OMG is configured without user/pwd.

Is there a way to update this in the ESP32 WITHOUT having to flash OMG again??
I’ve removed it from my wifi network in the hope it would turn on as access point where I could fill in all the credentials again but it didn’t.
I’ve tried to flash a OMG V1.7.0 with IR and RF databases on a spare ESP32 but was unsuccessful after more than 20 attempts so I stayed with V0.9.8,

Please help me! Or if someone has a working V1.7.0 config with the IR and RF databases I am also very interested…

Thanks a lot.

Hi @Hobby

Have a look at

but this should also be changeable in the WebUI.

Did you create your won environment for this IR and RF gateway, or was there a pre-built one available for V0.9.8?

OK, just saw your older posting

All the different RF options, especially the rtl_433 you have included, will not all work together on top of IR as well, due to memory restrictions with the new OMG version. Do you really require all of the RF modules for all your devices, and do you switch between them constantly via MQTT commands?


I’ve made my own configurations indeed.
It would be nice to have a check which configs can be combined. I did never get any warning it was too big, although it was my feeling too…

In the meantime I have a dedicated RTL adapter so I can live without the RTL433 gateway, but need RF, RF2 and IR and would like to have the RAW data feature too.

I will try to build such config again with V1.7.0 in the coming week if someone can confirm upfront it can work memorywise.
